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Original von Eisi
Hi bfloyd6969
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Hello, new SDFX user and I still can't believe that this is free. Great job to the dev! |
You are welcome.
The other four channels are dry channels so there is no FX on them. They are effect sends and are made for putting "extern" effects (other VST in your DAW) on it.
I didn't thought that someone need them wet but it seems that I was wrong.
I will put a switch for making them wet or dry in the next SDFX version. Is this ok?
Eisi |
Wow, that would be great but if it's too much trouble, don't bother. I understand your reasoning and I too like to use sends on my drums. I was just getting very nice results with a delay send with your reverb settings combined on the stereo channel that I thought it would be nice to do this in the independant channels for more precise mixing flexability. Thanks again for the great plug!!